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Retail / African Duka : / Origin :

Like Jeremiah,Prophetess/Evangelist Jeniffer received the call of God in her early age of 7years through a supernatural encounter that changed her life and her quest for God could not be cloaked ever since. God constantly set her as a Christian Organization leader in all ages and stages of her life as a boot camp for the ministry ahead. Growing in a stern Christian family, right from primary school, the call of God in her never went unnoticed. She reached out to fellow pupils with the word of God, instituting a group of young pupils that touched the entire school and the outside world with the word.

In High school, the calling in her could not be concealed.Her faith in God, profound word, courage and confidence paved a way for her into the Christian Union leadership as Chairperson while in form two, a thing that had never happened in the institution.God used her to shift the fraternity into a new level. Souls were won to Christ in numerous numbers; God attested His word with miracles and as a true ambassador of Christ in the school, Jeniffer left an impact that is recalled to date. She led the Christian Union all through to form four.
Not just a ministry but an assignment

Totally sold out to the mandate given to her, she has travelled extensively nationally and internationally and has remained focused to the call against all odds.She has stood unbending on the face of death and believes that no force can stop God’s given destiny. She is a prophetic voice and revivalist in today's church world, moving in miracles signs and wonders As Apostle Paul said," and my speech & preaching was not with enticing words of Man's wisdom, but in demonstration of the Spirit & Power." Numerous miracles and healing have been witnessed and confirmed in her meetings.

She operates in a twofold prophetic and evangelistic anointing following a unique prophetic and healing atmosphere that is changing people's lives far and wide. The ministry in her is life changing and dynamic and the capacity in which God uses her is truly amazing. What God has put in her is indeed not just a ministry but God’s assignment to the nations of the world.

She delivers a biblically balanced word with such a unique revelation, insight, foresight and power that is so outstanding. Her messages are focused on Christ and His finished work bringing perfect revelation to believers of their place and hence a revival of Christ's works in our dispensation. The uniqueness of her ministry transcends beyond cultural, denomination & national barriers& is beyond the four walls of the church.

Prophetess Jeniffer is the founder of Abiding Glory Outreach Ministries International {A.G.O.M.I.}.... which has a mandate of changing Destinies of Humanity across the globe and impacting nations’.!!!

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